No es la curación. Sanar o vencer los
desafíos que se nos presentan quizás a diario, no es lo importante.
Y es que a veces se confunde lo esencial de
la llamada “Ciencia Cristiana”.
No se trata de una exitosa terapia
espiritual. Una definición así contendría un tremendo error. Porque se
habrían descolocado los términos.
La dimensión espiritual es lo sustancial. Y
la acción terapéutica sólo es lo adjetivo.
Así lo declara Jesús a la vez que subraya el
estado de permanente alegría, propio de quien vive en la Verdad.
“Pero no os regocijéis porque las
enfermedades se os sometan, sino porque vuestros nombres están en el
Cielo”. (Lucas 10:20)
Lo importante es lo segundo. Lo único real.
La curación –el dominio sobre los males- es
algo muy secundario en relación con lo primero.
Y tampoco comparte idéntico nivel de
¿Cuál es el motivo de la alegría? ¿Qué fui
diagnosticado de cáncer y éste se ha disuelto? ¿Qué aquel era ciego y
ahora ve?... ¡No!
La causa del gozo es que nuestros nombres
están en el Cielo.
Pero no olvidemos que el “nombre” para un
semita como Jesús, Pedro o Juan, significa el “ser” de alguien.
Esa es la razón del júbilo. Porque nuestro
ser habita siempre allí donde sólo está el Bien. Y es Él quien gobierna
en exclusiva.
Esa es la Verdad que fundamenta y justifica
el vivir en continua paz y segura armonía.
Así lo entendió Pablo cuando afirmó que en
Dios nos movemos, vivimos y tenemos nuestro ser. (Hechos 17:28)
Esa es la única realidad donde ni
imperfección o carencia pueden existir.
Tener nuestro ser en Dios es la Causa o
Principio de Todo. Lo demás son sus efectos.
Ser consciente de eso es lo que importa. En
esa realidad hay que profundizar. En ese pensamiento hay que permanecer.
Si esta realidad no se reconoce, las
ilusiones que atormentan los sueños, se adueñarán de nuestro mundo.
Y continuarán con sus dolorosas sugestiones
pese a todo.
Por el contrario, si nos regocijamos porque
siempre estamos en el Bien, esa alegría disolverá todo lo que no se
presenta como armonioso.
Porque la Ciencia Cristiana no ilustra el
cómo luchar contra errores, sino que nos descubre cómo disfrutar la
única Vida que es.
It is not healing. Healing or meeting challenges is not the important
fact. Essentials in what is called Christian Science are sometimes mixed
up. Christian Science is not a spiritual therapy. The expression
“spiritual therapy” holds in itself a great mistake.
The terms have been shifted.
Because the important fact is the spiritual dimension and the
therapeutic action is only something secondary.
Jesus so declares, emphasizing at the same time the state of permanent happiness characteristic of those who live in Truth. “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven”. (Luke 10:20)
The second part of his statement is the important one. It is the one real fact.
Healing – dominion over wrongs - is something totally secondary in relation to the first essential. And it does not share identical existence.
What is the reason for joy? Is it that cancer was diagnosed and it has dissolved? Is it that someone was blind and now he can see? ...¡No!
The reason for joy is that our names are written in heaven.
We must remember that the “name” for a Semite such as Jesus, Peter or John, stands for somebody’s being. So we must be happy because our being is where only Good is. And He is the one Who governs, exclusively.
That is the Truth which lays the foundation for, and justifies, living in permanent peace, and ensures harmony.
Paul understood it thus when he stated that in God “we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
That is the only reality, where neither imperfection nor lack can exist.
Having our being in God is the Cause or Principle of Everything. Everything else is its effect.
Being aware of that fact is what matters. We must go deeper into that reality. We must remain in that thought. If that reality is not acknowledged, the delusions which torture our dreams will get hold of our world. And they will continue with their painful suggestions no matter what.
On the contrary, if we rejoice because we are always in Good, that joy will dissolve everything which does not appear as harmonious to us.
Because Christian Science does not explain how to fight against error, but uncovers how to enjoy the only Life which is.
Jesus so declares, emphasizing at the same time the state of permanent happiness characteristic of those who live in Truth. “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven”. (Luke 10:20)
The second part of his statement is the important one. It is the one real fact.
Healing – dominion over wrongs - is something totally secondary in relation to the first essential. And it does not share identical existence.
What is the reason for joy? Is it that cancer was diagnosed and it has dissolved? Is it that someone was blind and now he can see? ...¡No!
The reason for joy is that our names are written in heaven.
We must remember that the “name” for a Semite such as Jesus, Peter or John, stands for somebody’s being. So we must be happy because our being is where only Good is. And He is the one Who governs, exclusively.
That is the Truth which lays the foundation for, and justifies, living in permanent peace, and ensures harmony.
Paul understood it thus when he stated that in God “we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
That is the only reality, where neither imperfection nor lack can exist.
Having our being in God is the Cause or Principle of Everything. Everything else is its effect.
Being aware of that fact is what matters. We must go deeper into that reality. We must remain in that thought. If that reality is not acknowledged, the delusions which torture our dreams will get hold of our world. And they will continue with their painful suggestions no matter what.
On the contrary, if we rejoice because we are always in Good, that joy will dissolve everything which does not appear as harmonious to us.
Because Christian Science does not explain how to fight against error, but uncovers how to enjoy the only Life which is.
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