Porque lamentarse o sentirse necesitado es el primer
paso hacia el país de los errores.
Es no considerarse completo. Creer que
algo nos falta. Sospechar que hay algo más que no tenemos.
En el relato bíblico, Adán y su
compañera, no profundizan su paradisíaca realidad. Y por eso pueden
acoger las mentirosas sugestiones acerca de una mayor felicidad aun no
Se sienten faltos. Esa es la raíz
de todo lo que sigue: Desnudez, hambre material, fatiga, dolor,
Y sobre todo lo más absurdo: temor del
Amor que los dotó de Todo.
catástrofe, ese entrar en un caos de limitación y desesperanza, que abre
la puerta a la tristeza, la envidia, las atracciones ciegas y al crimen,
le sobreviene a quien se identifica como "necesitado".
Pensar en carencias rompe el cerrojo de
la caja de Pandora. Y así quedan liberadas la baja autoestima, los celos, los falsos
testimonios, las hipocresías, las enemistades, las traiciones, los
odios acerbos, las injustas condenas, las opresiones y una
torturadora de la existencia.
Y todo ¿por qué?
Por ignorar, en la práctica, nuestra
celestial esencia. Estamos siempre en el único Todo, y somos la manifestación
del infinito Bien.
El retorno a la paz de los pueblos, a la
unión de las familias, a la plenitud del individuo exige profundizar en
nuestra “paradisíaca realidad”.
No se trata de combatir el mal en
cualquiera de sus formas. La solución no es una hierba “panacea”
para toda dolencia, ni el exterminio del enemigo, o hallar El Dorado en la
Sino ser consciente de lo que es y está
sucediendo de continuo: El Amor (ignorado y desvalorado por una
razón enana y miope).
Esa consciencia constituye la sustancia de la
Lo importante es muy sencillo. No es
dejarnos abrazar por el Dador de Todo retirando "aquello" que lo impide.
Es experimentar con el sentido espiritual el vivificante
abrazo que nunca nos soltó.
Because feeling in need is the first step
on the way to the land of errors.
It means regarding oneself as incomplete. It means believing we are lacking in something. It means suspecting there is something else (out there) which we do not have.
In the Bible account, Adam and his partner do not go deep into their heavenly reality. And so they cherish delusive suggestions about a greater happiness which they have not yet experienced. They feel lacking in something. That is the root of everything which follows.
Nakedness, material hunger, fatigue, pain, death… And especially the most absurd: they are afraid of Love, who had already given them all.
All that catastrophe, all that entering the chaos of limitation and hopelessness, which opens the door to sadness, envy, blind attractions and crime, befalls whoever acknowledges himself/herself as in need.
The belief that we lack in something is the starting point for low self-esteem, jealousy, false testimony, hypocrisy, enmity, treachery, bitter hatred, unfair condemnation, oppression and a permanent dissatisfaction which tortures existence.
And why all this? Because we are not aware of our heavenly essence. We are always within the All and we are the expression of that infinity of Good.
Going deeper into our “heavenly reality” means going back to peace among peoples, to the union of families, to the wholeness of individuals.
It is not a matter of fighting evil in any of its forms. The answer is not the “panacea herb” for all diseases, the annihilation of the enemy, or El Dorado on earth.
It is being aware of what is and is always taking place: Love (ignored and devalued by a dwarfish and short-sighted reasoning). That is the substance of gratitude.
The important fact is very simple. It is not our allowing the Giver of All to embrace us.
It is feeling the life-giving embrace which has never stopped embracing.
It means regarding oneself as incomplete. It means believing we are lacking in something. It means suspecting there is something else (out there) which we do not have.
In the Bible account, Adam and his partner do not go deep into their heavenly reality. And so they cherish delusive suggestions about a greater happiness which they have not yet experienced. They feel lacking in something. That is the root of everything which follows.
Nakedness, material hunger, fatigue, pain, death… And especially the most absurd: they are afraid of Love, who had already given them all.
All that catastrophe, all that entering the chaos of limitation and hopelessness, which opens the door to sadness, envy, blind attractions and crime, befalls whoever acknowledges himself/herself as in need.
The belief that we lack in something is the starting point for low self-esteem, jealousy, false testimony, hypocrisy, enmity, treachery, bitter hatred, unfair condemnation, oppression and a permanent dissatisfaction which tortures existence.
And why all this? Because we are not aware of our heavenly essence. We are always within the All and we are the expression of that infinity of Good.
Going deeper into our “heavenly reality” means going back to peace among peoples, to the union of families, to the wholeness of individuals.
It is not a matter of fighting evil in any of its forms. The answer is not the “panacea herb” for all diseases, the annihilation of the enemy, or El Dorado on earth.
It is being aware of what is and is always taking place: Love (ignored and devalued by a dwarfish and short-sighted reasoning). That is the substance of gratitude.
The important fact is very simple. It is not our allowing the Giver of All to embrace us.
It is feeling the life-giving embrace which has never stopped embracing.
1 comentarios:
Obrigado, José, pelo sentimento e pela verdade deste magnífico pensamento que partilhaste.
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